RecAL: AIT-LKR launches new Horizon Europe project in Vienna
Circular economy as the future for European aluminum
Recycling aluminum from existing end-of-life (EoL) and production waste holds enormous potential and requires only 5% of the energy needed to produce primary material. Given its crucial role in global decarbonization, the RecAL project, in line with the European Green Deal, aims to exploit the potential of this raw material in an environmentally friendly and efficient way.
One of the major challenges in recycling aluminum is that the metal is alloyed with a variety of other elements that are virtually impossible to separate again. The current practice of mixing different EoL alloys inevitably leads to downcycling and a decrease in available recyclables. Europe has a rich potential for secondary aluminum, which is expected to account for 49% of total aluminum production by 2050. However, this potential resource needs a central hub.

Aims of RecAL
The RecAL project (short for Recyclingtechnologies for circular ALuminium) takes a comprehensive approach to utilizing this valuable secondary resource. It strategically addresses every step of the production and reuse cycle and solves challenges along the entire value chain.
- Higher impurity tolerance in alloy design without compromising properties.
- Exploiting the benefits of digitalization and robotics in sorting and dismantling.
- Creation of recyclate streams with significantly improved purities.
- Adapting production paradigms to unlock the full potential of secondary resources.
- Harmonizing communication between all sectors of the aluminium industry.
With the highest commitment to innovation, RecAL is driving a total of 14 key technological solutions up to Technology Readiness Level 6 (TRL6) to integrate them into a digital, socio-technical ecosystem that serves as an aluminum hub for circular economy. This interactive platform promotes direct collaboration between all stakeholders along the value chain and supports industrial and technological symbiosis on a large scale by closing energy, resource and data loops at regional and European level. RecAL aims to achieve significant progress in sustainable aluminum production by contributing to the circular economy and thus also strengthening Europe's position as a pioneer in resource-efficient technologies.
Project consortium and coordinator
RecAL is managed and coordinated by the Light Metals Competence Center Ranshofen (LKR) , a wholly owned subsidiary of the Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT). The AIT is an applied research and technology development organization focusing on key areas such as energy, health and bioresources, digital safety and security, mobility and technology experience. It works with industry, academia and public institutions to tackle the technological challenges of the future and drive innovation. In addition, CANCOM Austria AG (formerly K-Businesscom) plays a central role in creating the heart of the project, the digital hub for aluminum recycling. The development and validation of the RecAL Hub integrates many new technologies into a customized digital platform. CANCOM Austria is Austria's leading provider of IT and digitalization services and can look back on 130 years of experience.
"RecAL aims to fully unlock the immense potential of secondary aluminium resources in Europe, revolutionize recycling processes, address key challenges in alloy development and promote sustainable practices," explains project coordinator Gerald Prantl from AIT-LKR.
The RecAL consortium consists of 19 European partners with expertise in different areas, including research and development, metal processing and specific IT knowledge for the main objectives of the project. Additional expertise lies in the management and communication of Horizon Europe projects (carried out by RTDS Group, which also accompanied the development of the RecAL proposal), as well as in business planning and IP management.
Visit our project website recal-project.eu
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Project partners
Further information via cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101138747
- AIT-LKR / Light Metal Competence Center Ranshofen ??
- RTDS Association ??
- Aircraft End-of-Life Solutions (AELS) ??
- Aloumyl, Biomichania Alouminioy Anonimi Etaireia ??
- Benteler Automotive ??
- Barna Steel ??
- Ethniko Kentro Erevnas kai Technologikis Anaptixis ??
- German Aerospace Center ??
- Fraunhofer Society for the Advancement of Applied Research ??
- Gebauer & Griller Kabelwerke ??
- CANCOM Austria AG ??
- Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ??
- Acondicionamiento Tarrasense Associacion ??
- Stena Aluminum ??
- Swerim ??
- Universita degli Studi di Firenze ??
- Universita degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia ??
- Asociacion Centro Tecnologico CEIT ??
- Altek Europe ??
Contact us
Gerald Prantl
AIT Austrian Institute of Technology
LKR Leichtmetallkompetenzzentrum Ranshofen GmbH
Lamprechtshausenerstraße 61
5282 Braunau am Inn - Ranshofen, Austria
Email: gerald.prantl@ait.ac.at
Phone: +43 50550-6909
Communications Manager
Tristan Bath
RTDS Association
Lerchengasse 25/2-3
A-1080, Vienna, Austria.
Email: recal@rtds-group.com
Phone: +43(0)13231000