Portals, stores & cloud marketplace
FAQs on the CANCOM Austria AG billing portal
- Who can register?
All customers of CANCOM Austria AG and CANCOM Austria Rental Services GmbH can register.
- What are the advantages of this service for customers?
The service gives you quick and unbureaucratic access to your invoices and contract data as well as to other services offered.
- Is my personal data protected?
Yes, your information is highly encrypted for transmission and stored on a secure server.
- Will I incur additional costs when using the CANCOM Austria iBX customer platform?
No. The services of the CANCOM Austria iBX platform are available to our customers free of charge.
- Are there any safety guarantees?
CANCOM Austria assures you that the information you provide will only be used for registration purposes. Your information will be protected and will not be passed on to unauthorized third parties.
- Which browser is required for the iBX customer platform?
The iBX customer platform requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, Netscape Navigator 6.0 or higher or AOL 4.0 or higher; other browsers are not excluded. JavaScript must be activated.
- Can I also use the iBX customer platform from another computer if I log in accordingly?
Yes, that's one of the big advantages. You can access your data securely online from any computer. However, please note that downloads are stored on the computer you are using!
- How do I register for the iBX customer platform?
For the customer data, you need a current CANCOM Austria invoice that was sent to you by post in the last few months. Go to our registration page and enter the required information.