Shopping as a digital customer experience without waiting at the checkout? As a store owner, knowing who buys what, when, where and how? Retailers no longer have to dream about the store of the future. With us, the digital experience store is becoming a reality, as a one-stop, investment-proof solution. This much can be revealed in advance: Frequency measurement and security will play a central role in the future.

CANCOM Austria for the retail trade
Quality, performance and future security: CANCOM Austria knows how to convince with customized solutions. You too can benefit from very specific advantages:
- Investment and future security
- easy integration into existing environments
- secure data housing and data hosting in CANCOM Austria earthDATAsafe
- Shopping becomes an experience thanks to innovative offers
- Acquisition of new customers
- more knowledge about customers enables new offers
- more performance per square meter, more sales, higher added value
- Convenience for store assistants and at check-out

Digitally optimized processes and more precise knowledge of customer behavior are essential for the branch of the future. What does the CANCOM Austria branch of the future look like in detail?
- Heatmaps to optimize the performance per square meter
- Keyless store
- Queue management at the checkout
- Zone and floor measurement
- Linking with external factors (weather, third-party systems, etc.)

Digital solutions from CANCOM Austria for frequency management in stores, shopping centers and retail parks make it possible. Different measurement methods can be individually adapted to the respective retail space. In addition, marketing activities can be evaluated, event controlling and secure data management are further options that you could and should use.

Topics, trends and challenges in retail
With our customized and future-oriented solutions, you are ideally equipped for the challenges of the retail industry!
- POS: Online and offline merge into one world.
- Channel - it doesn't matter! Customers no longer differentiate between online and offline.
- Shopping experience: Customer experience and shopping convenience are becoming the measure of all things.
- Optimizing the use of space optimizes revenue.
- Customer data: The correctstorage and analysis of more and more data is essential.
- Multimedia sales support generates moresales persquaremeter.
- Internet of Things: differentcomponents andsensors are networked.

CANCOM Austria
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