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Technology partner in Austria

As an independent consultant, integrator and service provider, we always operate within an ecosystem of leading global and local partners.
we transform for the better

No one can whistle
a symphony. It takes
a whole orchestra
to play it!

Our business partners

CiscoHewlett Packard EnterpriseMicrosoft

Our solution partners

ArubaAvayaAWSBarracudaCheck PointCienaCitrixCrowdStrike Logo 2023 Primary BlackDell TechnologiesFortinetHitachiinnovaphone-logo-wordmark-without-background-screen (002)MitelAbstract image of a black square on a black background, symbolizing CANCOM's comprehensive and deep integration into the IT infrastructure.01-nvidia-logo-horiz-500x200-2c50-p@2xPaloalto NetworksPureStorageRed hat with a black band on a white background.SAPBlack background with a black square.VeeamVMware

Our partners in CANCOM a+d IT Solutions

AdobeAppleClose-up of a device with text and graphics on the screen.

Our CANCOM Cloud Marketplace Partners

A black background with a black square.
Blue text on a black background, symbolizing CANCOM's partnership and strength in the technology industry.
Dynamics 365
Gray letter on white background
Adobe Creative Cloud
Office 365
Time Tracker
Graphic of a blue and yellow light bulb symbolizing innovation and partnership.

Our cooperation partners

AetnaCOPA DATACRATE.IOFraunhoferGrabher GroupHumanomedORS GroupSENSSmart Textiles
Austrian Cloud
Industry 4.0 Austria
Trade association
Federation of Austrian Industries
Black and white logo on the website of the technology partner in Austria.
Human Technology Styria
AC Styria
Logo with triangular pattern
Styrian Business Association
Business forum for managers
Carinthian International CenterCompany logo in white with modern lettering and design elements.ROSIK(e) EducationBlack background with a black square, shown as a screenshot.
eww logo

A partner seal that we are happy to bear

How may I help you?
Under this link you will find our privacy policy.