Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria
ChatGPT for company data - KI@RA

Raiffeisenlandesbank Upper Austria
The Austrian banking group is the largest banking group in the country. As a universal banking group, it offers its customers a comprehensive range of financial services. Benefit from the comprehensive services of your local bank and the innovative digital offerings.

Business Challenge
Searching for information in a complex environment can often be tedious. KI@RA is the future tool for the employees of Raiffeisenlandesbank Oberösterreich to simplify this process. KI@RA is intended to provide the required information quickly and easily in order to make daily work easier. The introduction should increase the efficiency of employees and make customer advice even more targeted.
In the long term, KI@RA should become the central point of contact and a valued colleague for employees. KI@RA is a chatGPT-supported chatbot for obtaining information and knowledge that uses the latest technologies and, above all, can easily connect to internal knowledge sources. For this purpose, various Azure services are used in the background to map tasks such as security, scalability, maximum availability, etc. as cost-effectively as possible. In addition to Azure resources, "new" AI components such as OpenAI services and AI Search are used, which are available on Microsoft Azure at a high level of maturity. These form the core of KI@RA.
Initial situation
- Complex knowledge and process structures
- A lot of time (and money) is spent searching for and interpreting knowledge
- No experience with generative AI
- Effects on daily business unclear
- Digital colleague as support for the employee
- Acceleration of knowledge transfer within the Group
- Medium-term data and AI roadmap for the Group
- Short-term experience with Gen. AI, especially large language models
The look and feel based on our "CANCOM Assistant" product

Voices on KI@RA
Microsoft Visionary Award in the Innovation category