
The Kreditschutzverband von 1870, KSV1870 for short, is Austria's leading creditor protection association. KSV1870 has been making credit transactions secure for all parties involved for over 150 years. Transparency and security in the handling of data and information have top priority.

CANCOM Austria emerged from K-Businesscom (formerly Kapsch BusinessCom) at the beginning of 2024. The following case study was written before that and therefore the text was left in the original version.
Business Challenge
KSV1870 is taking big steps towards digitalization. Example InfoPass: The KSV 1870 InfoPass is a tool for voluntary self-disclosure for financiers, authorities, landlords/tenants and for KSV1870 job applicants. While these info passports previously had to be filled out by hand, the entire process and the complete application route is now digitalized. Data and process security are the biggest challenge in this context.
The entire application process is digitized with the KBC solution "SISS with digital application route". Forms are mapped on SISS. After entering an e-mail address and a telephone number, you receive a TAN, also on your smartphone via 2-factor authentication. The personal document (ID card) and other required data (registration certificate, etc.) are then uploaded. These documents are automatically read using OCR. KBC accepts the data records and transfers them to KSV 1870 for further processing.
- KBC Smart Identity and Signature Service
- Solution without media disruptions, future-proof and investment-proof
- Full security and transparency
- Sophisticated technology
- Simple and quick handling
- Solution from a single source
- Extensive experience and proven expertise
- One point of contact