Automated classification of claims notifications

The Group is one of the world's leading integrated financial services providers.

CANCOM Austria emerged from K-Businesscom (formerly Kapsch BusinessCom) at the beginning of 2024. The following case study was written before that and therefore the text was left in the original version.
Business Challenge
Digital customer communication channels are often heavily overloaded. A large number of thematically diverse inquiries and only a few points of contact for customers mean that it often takes some time for concerns to reach the right place and be processed correctly.
Our system makes it possible to analyze the content of incoming customer enquiries fully automatically and prepare them for the fastest possible further processing - either by transferring them to the right employees or through automated processing.
The task
Service e-mail addresses are usually the first point of contact for questions and complaints from customers at large companies - however, a large number of e-mails on different topics accumulate, which cannot be covered by a single department. With the help of KBC, a system was developed that automates the transfer and forwarding process.
The solution
- Automated screening of incoming emails
- Intent recognition and thematic classification of requests
- Assignment of e-mails to the responsible departments
The result
- Shorter processing times for inquiries
- Savings in workload of around 5 full-time equivalents
- Significant improvement in customer satisfaction
- Built on Microsoft Azure